Friday, June 22, 2012

Case Western University Comp: Feb 1996

Case Western Reserve 2/19/96

1st R/V W w/ Sari
7th R/V F w/ Smita
2nd Intercollegiate W w/ Sandra (OSU)
4th R/V T w/ Marika
3rd R/V C w/ Annie
1st R/V R w/ Katherine
4th Int W/Q  syllabus
4th Int F/T  syllabus
4th Am C/R   syllabus
4th Int C/R  syllabus
5th Int S/J  syllabus
6th Int C/R/S/J Open 4-dance
2nd Am C/R/Sw/M Open 4-dance :) :) :) :)

This was such an AWESOME weekend! Everything went well

     The ride down was kinda fun. The people in my car was Brain Surkan, Natasha, Sergey, and Fei. Brain is a potential president for next year. He is kinda funny... he will see something that amuzes him and laugh out loud really loud. I spent most of the trip trying to see what he was laughing so hard at. Then Fei is such an AWESOME person... Fei and I get along so well... we have the same contact styles... we are both active touchers and continually moving and all sorts of great stuff. I really enjoy Fei's company.

The social dance that night was fun... Liz and I got to practice a little bit. Nothing special though. Then we went to stay at Jessica's house (good friend of Pat and Pam). Her parents are such AWESOME hosts. They make this great cinnimon cake. The other really cool thing is that we have a coach now. Jim Page, our American instructor, travelled with us to this comp... he even stayed was us at Jessica's - that was SO cool. We all ended up watching the lion king the night before the comp. That was a little unusual - but it was very fun.

    We danced so well... Everyone who beat us was supposed to, but there was nobody that we think that we ar ebetter then that beat us. Everything felt great. But the comp was set up so that you danced constantly... It was set up so that it went 1st round - callbacks - callbacks - callbacks - finals for all for dances. So you ended up dancing for a solid hour! Then if you throw in rookie/vets and intercollegiate. I think at one point in time I dance for a solid 2 hours. - That is competitive/showy dancing. And the comp went really slow - they were still on smooths at 3pm. This was 1/4 of the comp - and it was supposed toend at 8pm. yeah right - we got out of there at 1:15. But we danced really really well... It all felt great. At the end - the open stuff... I was so tired... I had hit my phyiscal limits about 3 hrs earlier. But I kept on dancing. I was so tired at the end that I couldn't even raise my other arm. It was fun though... we have so much crowd appeal. Everybody loves watching us dance... And the judges were very friendly this time, they would smile at you when you made eye contact. That is great!

Totally died Sat night.

    We woke up and went to have a good breakfast. Then we went to the workshops taught by the smiling judges. It was great. Really fixed our frame. It was just to bad that my legs totally didn't want to work at all... every time that I would go up on my toes my legs would almost totally collapse on me. It was so tiring. It was a really good workshop though. Lots of personal attention. The drive back was okay. Stopped to have lunch at Max and Erma's... Came home and slept alittle bit. Then we watched a movie... and went to bed fairly early. I think I'm going to  go to bed soon now... I'm still exhausted.

So I'll talk to ya later.

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